Saturday, 21 February 2015

The choice is yours- the power of choice

You power of choice is your ultimate freedom and the greatest power. It includes the power to think whatever you choose into your skull or head. The freedom of choose is your birthright and the environment or background and circumstances has nothing to do with your destiny as they are the result of past choices or non-choices.

The way you use the power of choice will definitely determine your future and as successful people choose to make decisions, while the unsuccessful people not to. The power of choice helps us to create our own unique world. It simple means we are not in the world, the world is in us. It is created with the power of choice in the same way that our dreams at night are created. It’s a choice like if decide to be happy our attention automatically will begins to shift towards the source of happiness within and in midst of circumstances.

It’s like a dream where we have the choice to choose as nothing will happens without choosing it and normally we became our own victims of anything except our choices. Our creation and entire experience of physical dream worlds flows from our power of choice whether we made choices or not. We have the power to choose life or death it’s the wisdom we have from God. People must know that even if you make wrong choices you have to take the responsibility and make decision to change the way you behave. This will help you to reverse the wrong decisions you’ve made in the past.

In all your decision you must invite God to change and help you. It is better to know we can do something to choose life, and not just have an existence full of misery and death. Imagine how can you change and what could be your life be like if you made better choices right now. So do it and do it now, don’t wait any longer, because there is no time and you can’t waste another day missing out good life. The right time is now just do it.

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