Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Personal transformation

A personal transformation change begins with the dilemma or a crisis or a loss that forces people to take stock of themselves and the world around them. This will force people to redefine themselves and environment after seeing everything with their own eyes. As people cope with challenges that confront them, they will focus to seek inner resources, they discover new abilities and develop plans for living and the new dynamic will be established.

Steps to personal transformation

Say the first farewell

You feel a need to distance yourself from the ordinary world of others. The person should be ready for leave-taking needn’t be physical and it can occur symbolically. Here the person should say this ‘Let my company goes” and have freed up enormous emotional energy and people will be positive.

Enter the void

The person should pry to those fingers loose and have willingness to be free-fall, to releases one trapeze before the next swing into view. As you allows yourself to feel safe the space between who you are you’ve been and you’ve been and who you are , becoming, the feeling, into  an abyss will subside.

Enlarge the lens

The person must look with eyes of wonder, like a child and they slow down when they encounter the unusual situation and allow sense to absorb new information. You might paint or sculpt your journey, or make up songs describing your experiences.

 Give yourself permission to be passionate

Most of the time our resistance is the refusal of the call and whispers in our ear and we attempt a high tune out, call forwarding, on hold, voice mail. We resist change because ascending off to it feels stepping off a cliff into abyss. We down grade ourselves to buying the leopard skin pants because were afraid to be the leopard.

Do the work

It says whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it and magic in it.The most important thing is once you commit to change, a confidence of forces moves to assist you. Begin with what is and don’t manipulate the action, discover it and don’t stop the action by saying but or no instead say yes and add what comes before.

Take the test

There’s no stopping a ride to self-discovery on someone else coattails. To have your own power you must be willing to scrape your mind on the rocky road inland. It is the only way to discover and claim your unique gift. Test will be there along the way which can be pleasant or unpleasant, depend your degree of resistance.

Bless the fear

Fear is normal and important because it gives us something to push against and develop our spiritual muscles.

Be grateful

Be happy for all the challenging people in your life such as bosses, co-workers, children, friends because there are you greatest teachers. This relationship can be challenging because we don’t want to be teaches.

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