Friday, 6 February 2015

Rise above your circumstances

1. Embrace differences and change

Differences and change walk through in this life time hand -in-hand,and you can either pretend they are not there, or deal ,or face them .In order to be successful you must predict success by doing everything possible. When the life throws you a curved tennis-ball, the way you will handle it will determines your destiny.

2. Focus on that which is necessary

Don’t lose focus over unimportant issue, and when you become focus the unimportant issues will become blurred.

3. Initiate, be creative and some Introspection.

When you reflect on your setback be creative and find possible solutions.Don't makes your setback or problems permanent address.
Skills- develop the skills you need to get where you want to be. You must be able to identify the gaps which my disturb your growth. In short develop the skills that are more important for your success.

4. Visualize where you want to be

Firstly you need to define your vision, by knowing exactly what you want by visualizing your dream as fulfilled. Every person got a dream and what is yours. The only stumbling block to your dream is your imagination. If you can dream it you can do it, and just do it.

5. Improvise instead of compromise

Too many people gave up easily and compromise their dreams to get ahead. Don’t settle for second best to the point of selling one soul. If you want to get ahead in life you must improvise by doing the best with little of what you have under any circumstances.

6. Opportunities

There is a saying don’t look for opportunities for yourself but go extra mile and create opportunities for others. Your success is guaranteed when you stop to think for others. We leave a legacy and it can either be positive or negative but rest assured us do all leave legacy.

7. Negotiate

In the real world everyone would got what he/she deserved and the world we live in is one of give- and –take. In life and business you don’t get what you deserve you get what you negotiated.

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