Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Self-discipline is a freedom

Self-discipline can be best describe as systematic  instruction intended to train a person and it is known as disciple, in trade or other activity  and to follow particular code of conduct or order. It appears in different forms such as endurance, think before acting, perseverance, finish what you start doing, and the courage to carry on one decisions and plans, in spite of inconvenience, obstacles or hardships. Self-discipline it means self-control, the ability to avoid unhealthy excess of anything that could lead to negatives results. The utmost characteristics of self-discipline are the ability to volunteer instant and immediate gratification and pleasure.

 How to develop self discipline

Temptation- every time you need to say no to a temptation in front of you and be able to remove the temptations from your life. You must do you intended to do even if is not comfortable or pleasurable. Here required a lot of discipline from the person who need to practice self-discipline.

Finish what you started- we are encouraged to carry on and achieve the goals we have set for ourselves, as actions are better than the words. Tell yourself the following words “Today is not over until I have done…”Simply it says there is no way you cannot finish your day until what you set  out do has been done. Respect yourself to such extent your keep own promises to yourself.

Enough sleep- Make sure you sleep enough and is show that this will help you to maintain focus on tasks suffers due to lack of sleep.

Have a plan-it is encouraged to have a plan and goals you are pursuing and it will give you willpower. Always make sure to maintain a higher level of will power and achievement in your own life.

Coaching-you are able to do self-talk when you are tested and ensure yourself and reassure yourself .It remind you of your goal,courage,reinforce commitment and keep you task at hand.The price of discipline is always less  better than the regret
Self-discipline is freedom from laziness and freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and doubt and fear.

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