Friday, 27 February 2015

Coping with grief and loss

Coping with the loss of the love one, close friend, and a family member is one of the difficult challenges that many face. Loss needs to be understood as natural part of life and it can be overcome by shock and confusion.

Common grief symptoms


  • ·         Shock and disbelief-You may feel trouble that the loss or what happened or deny the truth.
  • ·         Sadness-You may have feeling of emptiness, despair, yearning or deep loneliness.
  • ·         Guilty-You will feel guilty of things you did not do or say.
  • ·         Anger-even if the loss as not human fault, you will feel angry and resentful.
  • ·         Fear-You will feel anxious, helpless or insecure.
  • ·         Physical symptoms-Grief involves physical problem such as fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, ache and pains.

Coping with grief and loss


The pain or healing will go away if you have the support of other people. It can be the feeling you want to talk about and it is important to express them. By mere sharing the burden it will make your burden easy to carry and do not grieve alone.

Take care of yourself

When you are grieving it is more important to take care of yourself, because the stress can deplete your power and emotional reserves. You must face your feelings and you can try to suppress your grief but you can’t avoid it forever.

Accept your feeling

Many people experiences all kinds of emotions after the death of someone close to them, and you will feel sad, frustration, anger and tired it is normal.

Look after your physical health.

You mind and body is connected if you feel good physically you will feel better emotional. Deal with stress and fatigue excising, getting enough sleep, eat healthy food. Never use alcohol or drugs to relieve the pain of grief or lift your mood artificially.

Plan ahead for grief

You can reawaken anniversaries, holidays and milestone memories and feeling. You must be prepared for an intense mood and know that is normal. If you are sharing a lifecycle event with other relatives, talk to them ahead of about their expectations and agree on strategic to honor the person you loved.

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