Saturday, 14 February 2015

How to spice your marriage and keep your woman happy

1. Keep the romance alive


Always make time for the date night-the man must make time for her woman no matter how busy he is.It is advisable not  to spend the precious time with friends and lounging around the house you will forget how special is your wife. The man must do something different during every night like checking the new movie in the cinema or go out to restaurant you’re never been before. The husband must make time to talk to her wife. The husbands must give her wife a card her to show how much you love during the date night.

Maintain your appearance-the man must always be presentable and look handsome. The man to take a shower to smell fresh do not allow hygiene stand in the way of you and your wife.

Make time for your romantic gateway-take romantic vacation to spend time with your wife in a fresh environment and to learn to appreciate your relationship more. Always try to go to a new place every time this will strengthen your bond when your explore the world together.

Maintain romantic mood at home-the man bring roses or flowers home to her wife maybe once a week to fuel the love.

2. Honest communication


Stay honest and be open- the man should know that honest communication is the key to strong and stable relationship. If the man is troubled or have difficult situation he must not face it alone. When your wife asks you how she looks tell her she looked gorgeous not better.

Learn to accept an apology-the man must know if you want to make you wife happy that being happy is more important than be right. When you are wrong and apologize keep an eye contact so that your wife knows that you are really meant it.

3. be physically fresh together


Exercise together- the man should take the dance class together with his wife. They can also train for race together as it will bring you closer together as couple.

Keep it fresh in the bedroom-the man must make sure they make love with her wife once a week no matter how busy you are. You must forget to cuddle her after sex and tell her how much you love her.

4. Understanding your wife needs


Be a father not a baby sitter- The man should take the kids to the park or having a family night together. The man must pick up some weekends to give her wife time to rest.

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