Control freak is derogatory term for a person who attempts
to dictate how everything around them is done. In some instances the term is
earnest or self-mocking rather than derogatory. It can be described as someone
who determined to make things happen exactly in the way they want and tries to
make other people do want they want. They are those who insist on having their
way in every aspect and they normally set agenda and decide on the outcome. It
is easy to recognize them and they have driving need to run the show and call
the shots. Their favorite’s style is to play one against another and their
responses may vary from outburst of anger to extreme rage. Steve Jobs was perfectionist
who favored the closed system control over all aspects of a product from start
to finish.
How to identify Control Freaks
- · Control freaks have difficult time opening up and showing their vulnerable and emotional side.
- · Control freaks don’t like to be told what to do and it makes them feel out of control.
- · Control freaks control the behavior of everyone.
- · Control freaks don’t trust anyone else performing any of the tasks because they are scared that if at all they make mistakes he will have to pay for it, hence they do it themselves.
- · Control freaks have no time for relaxation time whether after work, on weekends, or on vacation, they are workaholics.
- · Control freaks don’t like to admit that they need you, or to ask if they don’t know something. Control freaks interfere with other, and try to correct and direct them in everything they do.
- · Control freaks need you so much that they want to control all your time, becoming jealous.
- · Control freaks they become easily upset, and press their anger or hurt when they don’t get their way or feel out of control.
- · Control freaks may sometimes have sexual problems such as going to bed, attached to particular idea of sex should be, or need to control and resist losing control himself.
- · Control freaks are very impatient and get irritated very easily.
In some severe cases, control freaks can go to the extent of
physically hurting someone, because of frustrations of things not going their way.
They don’t like it if the situation is out of their control then destroy or
throw things around.
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