Sunday, 15 February 2015

Focused on your goals

  • Be clear what you want- we should set out goals and know what we want, and we can have that picture in mind. To stop us from achieving our goals we should write our goals in minute detail.

  • Be clear why you’re pursuing the goals-you should keep on chasing your goals regardless of the obstacles until I achieve them and start enjoying.

  • Minimize distractions- don’t allow the temptation and get rid of them the minutes they mushroomed. If your goal is to save money you reduce money spends on unnecessary things you don’t really need.

  • Prioritize your goal- always focus on few goals at one time and not have many because you will lose focus. You concentrate on the most important one first and achieve them and return to address the other goals.

  • Set action plan- you plan how your will achieve them and the steps to be implemented that will get you there. The action is needed in order to carry the task out.
  • Organize, review, re-organize and repeat-The plan should be visited timeously and be revised to keep it relevant and fresh. Take into the account that our lives are not stagnant, they are always changing and moving on as we. Make it a daily practice to review and re-organize till will help to focused not lose track.
  • Act like your goal is reality-The most important and powerful thing is to act like we already have what we are trying to achieve or create. The creation process begins in the mind and your mind must tell you that you are fit and happy you will begin to really feel that way and get positive results.
  • Have goal buddies- This are people your share you goal with and they will help to remind your ideas on how to achieve your goals and keep you on track.

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