Friday, 20 February 2015

Characteristics of an Optimists

Optimism is described as the mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as best so that in some way that may not be fully comprehended the present moment is an optimum state. The term is derived from the Latin optimum which simply means best in typical sense of the word it means the best possible results from any given situation.Feeling of can further defined as a feeling or that the good things will happen in the future and feeling or believe that you hope for will happen. It is a doctrine that this world is the best possible world.


Characteristics of optimists


1. They are seldom surprised by trouble- this kind of people recognizes and embrace the notion that problems are part of life. People developed and presenting ideas and options which help to solve the problem. They are tough minded and resilient in pressing forward until they get what they want.

2. They control the future- these people they boosts with confidence and have courageous determination. Optimists don’t let others opinions determined how they view current or future state of affairs. They have the ability to stay positive even in trying times.

3. Look for solutions-The optimists don’t wait for things to be completely before act for results.The don’t mind to start small because they know their ultimate goals to achieve. If the problem arises they look at the problem as a chance to gain new experience and opportunities.

4. Interrupt their negative trains of thought-As human being we all have our negative moment or self-doubt.Distractions impedes our ability to find solutions and find the action plan.

5. Build lots of love into their lives-Optimist tend to focus on the positive prioritizing the goods events in their over the negative ones. During difficult times and challenge, personally or professional, tough-minded recognized the power of love and friendship.

6. Like to swap good news-Optimist like to share their success stories to generate excitement, builds confidence, spotlight, boost morale and helps others envision what is possible.

7. Accept what cannot be changed- To optimists perseverance is powerful but not accepting what cannot be changed can be costly as other opportunities drift away.

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