- · Connect and communicate with everyone-this kind of leader simply smash everything in their way and most successfully leaders take care to connect with people at all levels of the organization. They are available to all people
- · Use good judgment to make decision-assertive leaders who are perceived as having good judgment have a high probability of being successful. Gathering all the facts, careful analysis, and examination of the trends will help the process but one the best practices is involving others in the decision process.
- · Walk the talk- assertive leaders see the need for other people to change their behavior but they themselves are immune from change. The assertive leaders model the changes they desire in others.
- · Give honest feedback in a helpful way –the feedback delivered in the wrong way can discourage, de-motivated and anger an employee.
- · Maintain excellent relationship-the assertive leader that is respected, admired and liked by others can exert influence and ask to do difficult tasks. The assertive leader who is disrespected and disliked can try with all his or she might exert influence and in return they will get resistance. The solution is the formation of strong relationship can help to cover.
- · Look for opportunities to collaborate-some assertive make the assumption they can do things themselves without the cooperation and support of other people or groups. The motive is often personal recognition and this philosophy is doomed to fail. Taking the time to get other groups or organization on board with changes and improvements ensures the success of any project or change.
Being an assertive leader is an excellent quality that
compels people to achieve more. It is possible to be assertive without crossing
the line to obnoxious and pushy. By using six behaviors you can turn assertiveness
into good and exceptional leadership.
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