Friday, 27 February 2015

Coping with grief and loss

Coping with the loss of the love one, close friend, and a family member is one of the difficult challenges that many face. Loss needs to be understood as natural part of life and it can be overcome by shock and confusion.

Common grief symptoms


  • ·         Shock and disbelief-You may feel trouble that the loss or what happened or deny the truth.
  • ·         Sadness-You may have feeling of emptiness, despair, yearning or deep loneliness.
  • ·         Guilty-You will feel guilty of things you did not do or say.
  • ·         Anger-even if the loss as not human fault, you will feel angry and resentful.
  • ·         Fear-You will feel anxious, helpless or insecure.
  • ·         Physical symptoms-Grief involves physical problem such as fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, ache and pains.

Coping with grief and loss


The pain or healing will go away if you have the support of other people. It can be the feeling you want to talk about and it is important to express them. By mere sharing the burden it will make your burden easy to carry and do not grieve alone.

Take care of yourself

When you are grieving it is more important to take care of yourself, because the stress can deplete your power and emotional reserves. You must face your feelings and you can try to suppress your grief but you can’t avoid it forever.

Accept your feeling

Many people experiences all kinds of emotions after the death of someone close to them, and you will feel sad, frustration, anger and tired it is normal.

Look after your physical health.

You mind and body is connected if you feel good physically you will feel better emotional. Deal with stress and fatigue excising, getting enough sleep, eat healthy food. Never use alcohol or drugs to relieve the pain of grief or lift your mood artificially.

Plan ahead for grief

You can reawaken anniversaries, holidays and milestone memories and feeling. You must be prepared for an intense mood and know that is normal. If you are sharing a lifecycle event with other relatives, talk to them ahead of about their expectations and agree on strategic to honor the person you loved.

stages of Intimacy

Intimacy is describe as emotionally close to your partner about being able to let your guard down and let him or her know you really feel. It is about to accept and share in your partners feeling about being there he/she wants to let their defenses down. It often doesn’t need words and is able to put feeling and experiences into words makes intimacy to occur. Intimacy involves the mixing for our life with another mingling of souls, sharing of heart. It is a showing a close union or combinations of particles or elements.

Stages of intimacy


1.       Infatuation

Infatuation makes your dopamine levels up and produce a full body euphoria that cause humans to seek sex again and again.Sex will not always be that good it may get better or it may be worse. Love magnified revisits to the womb of security. The negotiation between security and autonomy that lifelong struggle, crawls in and we begin to landing.

2.       Landing

Landing from that fantastic flight can be fearful part and we see things more clearly. It say the day you woke up and says I married the wrong person is the day your marriage begins. The landing can vary according the surface of the land it might be light and sweet or rocky and discombobulating.

3.       Burying

In this stage happens when all the to do lists of life come inside relationship and soon before you know the talking is about life roles between partners, boss or mother in-laws. Life is testing your beautiful relationship and burying is not bad at all is the sign that the relationship is for real and what happens is part of life. It is advisable to learn new tricks of sex and do new things like sex in public and buy some sex toys to stimulate your relationship. . You must do something that allows real life to take a break and sweet intimacy to shine again.

4.       Resurfacing

Resurfacing is the stage where you turn to your partner a say to yourself say wow.Resurfacing is the resolution of a relationship and mix bag. It can be trigger by a massive problem that two resolved a great date and good night sex a losing the other person or good couple’s therapy. It can be death in the family or even birth and is the last stage.

5.       Love

Here the sex is better than it has ever been and true love blossoms around five years and sometimes slow as compare to other. You are wondering how you can build an intimate relationship and accept other person just how they are. Intimacy it begins with you and connected to your own heart.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


Loneliness can be best described as an emotional state in which a person experience a feeling of emptiness and being isolated. It can say is more than just the feeling of wanting company to do something with another person. It can be associated with the feeling of being cut off, disjoint, and alienated from other people, so that it is not easy to have a contact with human. It the perception of being anyone and isolated that matters most. It is the feeling we get when our need for particular contact is not met or achieve.

Causes of loneliness


  • ·         Loneliness can be attributed to the genetics and moving to the new location and perhaps a divorce, and physical isolation.
  • ·         The other factor is the loss of the important person in the family or a close associates. It can be a symptom of psychological disorder like depression.
  • ·         Loneliness is complex, change and personal intrinsic factors are the biggest causes of loneliness.
  • ·         The client who admits that they get a lot of attention can also be feeling lonely.
  • ·          Lack of social interaction from childhood and adolescence or the absence of meaningful role model can also causes adult loneliness.
  • ·         The lack of communication between you and the client and assisting him how to learn to cope with changes in life patterns and it will help in client in overcoming loneliness.

The effect of loneliness

  • ·         The client will not function normally because of poor sleep causes by loneliness, it can turn to illness or sick from stress.
  • ·         The other effects are social withdrawal where the client becomes lonely and remove him, she from situations.
  • ·         The social isolation is another effect the client experiences loneliness no longer feel comfortable or confident to socialize with others.
  • ·         Loneliness can occur after the marriage or any major life event, and birth of a child.
  • ·         Loneliness again can occur in close relationship or marriage when the couples anger/resentment or lack of loving or communication.
  • ·         You were abandoning at some time in life and being alone with being unloved or neglected.
  • ·         Time spent being alone sometimes can make time spent with others even more enjoyable.

It pays to have a great day at work

Get your stuff ready the night before-It is advisable to prepare a day before because it takes longer in the morning. Things like what your will wear and get that outfit ready before you sleep.
Wake up early 15-30 minutes-It is important to start the morning can make or spoil your day so have enough time for a positive start.

Do today's work to today-If you want to be successful do the following a great day at work tomorrow started today and finish today's work today. You can achieve this by having timelines and including daily goals you want to achieve.

Begin your day with smile-The sunshine will help to boost your mood, increase your alertness, strengthen your immunity from sickness and help you to sleep well at night. You can take deep breaths in and out to start your day being cool and calm.

Appreciate challenges- the moment you get into your car and the roads the challenges begin, and your start by asking yourself so many unanswered questions. The utmost important things you must appreciate challenges and train yourself to accept challenges. There is no way we will run away from life challenges and the minutes we start to appreciate challenges at work you will start to have the great day at work.

Seek positive input- being positive is a wonderful inspiration and you can boost this by reading a book, watch motivational video and listen to a podcast that make you happy. The positive thoughts will make your day easier.

Embrace change- change is around us all the time and life is about change, from feeling good to bad, feeling angry and other thoughts. The only way to overcome change is to embrace change. The great day at work will start when you better embrace change.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Self-discipline is a freedom

Self-discipline can be best describe as systematic  instruction intended to train a person and it is known as disciple, in trade or other activity  and to follow particular code of conduct or order. It appears in different forms such as endurance, think before acting, perseverance, finish what you start doing, and the courage to carry on one decisions and plans, in spite of inconvenience, obstacles or hardships. Self-discipline it means self-control, the ability to avoid unhealthy excess of anything that could lead to negatives results. The utmost characteristics of self-discipline are the ability to volunteer instant and immediate gratification and pleasure.

 How to develop self discipline

Temptation- every time you need to say no to a temptation in front of you and be able to remove the temptations from your life. You must do you intended to do even if is not comfortable or pleasurable. Here required a lot of discipline from the person who need to practice self-discipline.

Finish what you started- we are encouraged to carry on and achieve the goals we have set for ourselves, as actions are better than the words. Tell yourself the following words “Today is not over until I have done…”Simply it says there is no way you cannot finish your day until what you set  out do has been done. Respect yourself to such extent your keep own promises to yourself.

Enough sleep- Make sure you sleep enough and is show that this will help you to maintain focus on tasks suffers due to lack of sleep.

Have a plan-it is encouraged to have a plan and goals you are pursuing and it will give you willpower. Always make sure to maintain a higher level of will power and achievement in your own life.

Coaching-you are able to do self-talk when you are tested and ensure yourself and reassure yourself .It remind you of your goal,courage,reinforce commitment and keep you task at hand.The price of discipline is always less  better than the regret
Self-discipline is freedom from laziness and freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and doubt and fear.