Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Ragpicker-the worlds needs you

I have been rag picker for many years in my teaching profession; I have contributed a lot in many learners lives. . Like many of you, I too come from a disadvantaged society and even family. We had nothing luxurious during my youth nor parents with academic training and standing, but I did receive from them pride, dignity, inspiration and direction. They were people of faith and a will not to duplicate their past and heritage. 

Get a road map as you go forward don’t get lost without vision, direction and destination. If you don’t know how, ask somebody who can show you how, but never became lonely on this journey. Use the resources that are available and always have a role model which you admire but also trust. You are the pioneers of the future and similarly the custodians of what was good from the past. Your charge is to be successful, to be happy and to embrace this moment of opportunity.

Life is full of opportunities and misfortunes is not God’s will no one has promise us that life would be easy and everything will be given to us on the platter. With the right focus and planning all dreams and wishes will be accomplished. Many of the world great leaders and achievers such as Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, O.R. Tambo, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Abraham Lincoln, F.D. Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Junior, J.F. Kennedy and Henry Ford etc. all have tested failure in their lives but perseverance was the only thing they possess during that time. Failure teaches us to be obedient and focus in the goals we wanted to achieve.

Weep no more God is with you this moment is the dividing line of your life. All that has gone in your life is like unto no more than that time you slept within your mother wombs. Let the past be the past and let the dead bury the dead. These times your return from the living dead and live again. This is like your birthday the new date of birth and this time the world watches and waiting to applaud and this time you will not fail. Everyone is acting the world is our stage and the space is enough for everyone us to showcase their talents. Lastly if much is given to you in life much will be required from you.
To live is better, live in happiness…..everlasting peace.

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