Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Decide on what you want and desire.

. Many people are “lazy” to do this, at their own peril.If you did not have pen and paper at the beginning of the course, Please stop now and get yourself a notepaper and pen and keep them where you study this course.Never say, “I DON'T WANT this”, such as “I don't want to be broke”. Instead, focus on what you WANT, such as “I attract more money into my life” “I am becoming healthier and healthier each morning I wake up; say it with conviction, even if you physically feel the pain.

As you do this I want you to focus on a THREE LETTER WORD that will guarantee your success. The three-letter word is WHY…You must be clear on WHY you want your goal or desire, or WHY you want to fulfill a certain dream. Always, always, always (should I say that again?) keep your focus on WHY you are doing what you are doing. A-L-W-A-Y-S! The mind likes to “see” benefits

This is why 99% of people fail at any attempt to improve their life. They are not clear on WHY they want what they want. They are not clear on the BENEFITS. The WHY is always more important than the HOW. Your mind is structured to find the “how”. In other words, WHY you want something will motivate you to achieve it. Worrying or trying to figure out HOW you are going to get it only pushes it further away. So always focus on the WHY.

As soon as you encounter the first obstacle that comes along, your subconscious will give you all the logical reasons why you should quit. If you focus on WHY you want what you want you will not give up easily but will be motivated to keep moving toward your goal, even if you have a temporary setback.

 Commit yourself 100% to follow through UNTIL you get a result.

Read it again! I didn't say IF you get a result. There is a huge difference. I said UNTIL you get a result. Keep in mind, there is only one way to fail, and that is to quit.

Suspend your disbelief. Or, rather sustain your belief.

Do not prejudge whether or not the self-improvement program, book or strategy you are using will work. Suspend your disbelief that it will NOT work for you. Keep in mind that it has worked for others and it WILL work for you.

One of the most common obstacles I run into with participants in my seminars is that they think, “I know this has worked for others, but in my case it is different.” In fact, I have never worked with a participant who didn't think that in their case it was “different”. They always say, “Yes, but.”

Trust me, your case is not different. Your circumstances may
be different, but the underlying problem is the same. The mind works the same way.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

The importance of focus in life

We are going to talk a lot about THE POWER OF FOCUS throughout this course.

How you feel about life and anything in particular, depends on WHERE YOU FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION.

Ask yourself this question, "What do I focus on most of the time?"
If you are like most people, you will discover something very interesting about yourself. You will discover that you spend more time focusing on what you DON'T want than what you DO want.

Why is this important?

Because you can't expect to have what you WANT if you focus on the OPPOSITE of what you want. Put simply, you will create and attract MORE of whatever you focus on.

Want Proof?

Have you ever made this statement:

"I feel stressed out, but I don't know why."

From what you have just learned, it is easy to figure out "why".
It is impossible to feel bad, sad, tense or negative and not know why.

If you are feeling stressed it is because you are focusing on stressful thoughts. In other words, you are focusing on what you don't want, which is to feel stressed.

Said another way, bad thoughts can never produce good results, and good thoughts can never produce bad results.

Anytime you feel stressed, worried, fearful or have any other negative feeling, it is because you are doing two things.

1. You are focusing on what you don't want to happen.

2. You are focusing on the future, not the present moment. It is impossible to feel stress, worry, fear or any other negative emotion if you are living in the present moment. The ONLY way you can feel negative emotion is to focus on what MIGHT happen, or what you DON'T WANT TO HAPPEN, in the next moment, next hour, next day, next week, next year, etc.

So your assignment for this first lesson is to monitor your thoughts. From now until the next lesson I would like you to become the "observer" of your thoughts. Don't judge. Just observe.
Observe what you focus on most of the time.

Are you focused on the past? What happened and how you wish it were different. Are you worried about the future? The next minute, the next day, next week, etc?

Start right now. Take a look at what you focus on most of the time. As you do this, please keep in mind: What you think about today, in this moment, will become your future.

Once you understand this, you can accurately predict your future. If you keep thinking what you are thinking, you will keep getting what you are getting. But if you shift your thought patterns and focus on what you want, instead of what you don't want, you can begin to create a new and exciting future.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Why most of our self-improvement programs fail.

1. We Fear Change

Face this fact; no matter what type of self-improvement strategy you are using, at some point you are going to have to make a CHANGE.
It could be a small change, or a big change, but you are going to have to get out of your “comfort zone”.

Our subconscious “conditioned mind” does not like change. In fact, it is designed to resist change and to keep us where we are. The reason for this is the subconscious is primarily a survival mechanism. Its primary function is survival. It perceives any type of change as a threat to our survival. Unless we can bypass our survival mechanism, all our self-improvement attempts will fail.

2. We Seek Instant Results

Today people are conditioned by media advertising to expect “instant results.” Hence they want it NOW and expect to see results immediately in one session, one day, one week, one chapter, etc. They give most self-improvement techniques and practices one shot, and if they do not get immediate results, they get discouraged and give up.

Immediate results are always possible, but sometimes we need time to align our energy with our desires. If we do not align our energy properly, we will not reach our goal.

The need for instant results or instant gratification often keeps people from taking the time to align their energy, so it actually takes them LONGER to reach their goals.

3. We Give Up Too Soon.

Most people give up too soon. Part of this is due to the need for instant results and instant gratification. However, one of the reasons we give up too soon is we see temporary setbacks as proof we cannot reach our goal or desire. When this happens we blame ourselves and/or the self-improvement program, book, audio, seminar, etc. and give up too soon.

In order for any self-improvement program to work, you must not give up, even when it “looks” like it is not working.

4. We are “TRYING” instead of “DOING”

Most people “try” to get what they want. The problem is every time you try, you are setting yourself up for failure. In reality you can't try to do anything. You either DO it or your DON'T. The whole world is trying and most are failing. You cannot succeed if you "try". Once you stop "trying" and start "doing" you can begin to expect results.

When people “try” self-improvement programs, they immediately set themselves up for failure. In my work with people, I have discovered that they achieve a 99% success rate when they follow through. But getting people to follow through is almost impossible in so many cases

My point here is that the success or failure with any personal improvement strategy is based on DOING, not TRYING to do!  Those who “try” are guaranteed to fail. Those that DO (follow through until they get the result they desire) are the people who achieve their great dreams and desires.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Ragpicker-the worlds needs you

I have been rag picker for many years in my teaching profession; I have contributed a lot in many learners lives. . Like many of you, I too come from a disadvantaged society and even family. We had nothing luxurious during my youth nor parents with academic training and standing, but I did receive from them pride, dignity, inspiration and direction. They were people of faith and a will not to duplicate their past and heritage. 

Get a road map as you go forward don’t get lost without vision, direction and destination. If you don’t know how, ask somebody who can show you how, but never became lonely on this journey. Use the resources that are available and always have a role model which you admire but also trust. You are the pioneers of the future and similarly the custodians of what was good from the past. Your charge is to be successful, to be happy and to embrace this moment of opportunity.

Life is full of opportunities and misfortunes is not God’s will no one has promise us that life would be easy and everything will be given to us on the platter. With the right focus and planning all dreams and wishes will be accomplished. Many of the world great leaders and achievers such as Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, O.R. Tambo, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Abraham Lincoln, F.D. Roosevelt, Martin Luther King Junior, J.F. Kennedy and Henry Ford etc. all have tested failure in their lives but perseverance was the only thing they possess during that time. Failure teaches us to be obedient and focus in the goals we wanted to achieve.

Weep no more God is with you this moment is the dividing line of your life. All that has gone in your life is like unto no more than that time you slept within your mother wombs. Let the past be the past and let the dead bury the dead. These times your return from the living dead and live again. This is like your birthday the new date of birth and this time the world watches and waiting to applaud and this time you will not fail. Everyone is acting the world is our stage and the space is enough for everyone us to showcase their talents. Lastly if much is given to you in life much will be required from you.
To live is better, live in happiness…..everlasting peace.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Bedwetting and Treatment

Bed wetting is the problem faced by millions of families every night and it is common among young kids which lasted to teen years. Doctor is not sure what might be the cause or why it stops. But is being regarded as the part of development and kids usually grows out of it. Most other time it is not or emotional issues.ot sign of any deeper medical or emotional issues.

Bedwetting it becomes problem if it begins to bother the children or parents and most of the time is considered problem in children less than 5 years. Medical treatment is not recommended for children under 5.It happen most of the time with boys as compared to girls. If parents feel upset when child wets the bed and finds upsetting speak to your GP for advice.

Causes of betting wetting

The bedwetting secrecy is tough for kids and parents alike and 99% of kids think that they are only ones who wet the bed which makes them feel worse. Children Natural gain bladder control at night they do so at different ages and millions kids wet bed some or most nights twice as many boys wetting their beds as girls. Wet bed leave bad feelings all around and frustrated parents sometimes concludes a child is wetting the bed out of laziness. 

The majority of bedwetting is inherited and three out of four kids either a parent or a first degree relative also wet the bed in childhood. The scientists have located some of the specific genes that lead o delayed nighttime bladder control. Most of the parents had the same problem communicate it to their kids which is a good thing to do.

  • ·         The child cannot yet hold urine for the entire night
  • ·         The child does not waken when his or her bladder is full
  • ·         The child produces a large amount of urine during the evening and night hours
  • ·         The child has poor daytime toilets habits

Treatment of bedwetting

Drinking too much or too little can contribute to bedwetting and ensuring your child gets the right amount of fluids each day is often recommended. The amount of fluids your child needs can vary depending on things like how physically active and their diet.

Encourage your child to go to toilet regularly during the day and most of the healthy children urinate between four and seven times a day. Parents should also make sure that your children urinate before going to bed. Many parents find rewards schemes helpful managing bedwetting and motivating your child can help bedwetting treatments be more effective.
 It is important to emphasize that these are only rewards shouldn’t be based on whether they wet the bed or not instead you may want to give rewards for sticking to their recommended fluid intake, and remembering to go to the toilet before going to bed.If everything else failed alarms is the next step and a bedwetting alarm consists of a small sensor and alarm.