Sunday, 8 March 2015

How to spice up your marriage

There is a myth saying you are neglecting your kids if you put your marriage first and the more we given them attentive on the more they would be better. David says “we seem to be marrying our kids instead of our spouses because we find easier than our partners “Code agree with David by saying putting your spouse first will create a trio of positive outcomes, your marriage will improve , your children won’t suffer from over parenting  and your kids will learn positive relationship skills.

The power of romance in relationship-the simple romantic gesture will do for couples by putting back the spark in daily life. The partners have to create the foundation of trust, comfort and play. You can do this by having regular sex no matter the conditions. You can talk about sex and hear what things make her uncomfortable which is not part of your marriage.

You must take care of the items on their to do list while having breakfast in bed. You can help your partner by doing house chores so that you allow her a break. It will be nice if she is ready for it and in better moods for your needs. You must give him /her full body massage after you have put the kids in beds. The partner must wear something sexy and couples must surprise each other after a long time.

The couples must do foreplay for an about hour to two to play and you must do quickies as well to vary the spices and luxuriating in each other for urgency passionate. Have oral sex and it must not be a big deal you can just tease and warm each other by putting pillow underneath so that he can be more comfortable pleasures you.

You can masturbate in front of each other by showing each other how you will be liked to be touched ,be watched. When he/she is masturbating you can whisper and moan a sexy story in his ear and often men love visual stimulation that is why the love porn pictures or videos. You can go to hotel to get better trusted sitter and take full night of passion, it will help your to spark your sex life.Don't forget to change sex positions and be realistic and in different locations it will work well for both partners and go wild.

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