The rivalry happens in every house with more than one kid at
every stage and its common challenge and it won’t be easy on your sanity.
Normally it happens when the first child is demoted and the second born is
tired being bossy by big brother or sister.
It is impossible to stop sibling rivalry but you can reduce it frequency.
Strategies for sibling rivalry
Loose the
labels-here the parents create completion amongst kids and every child is
given a role like it or not. The labels are given to everyone so that you gave
everyone a chance to shine even if she is not that much talented and the
student who are not top achievers are given the time to shine too and do the
right thing. Here the main aim is to cheer positive things and team work is
build, persistence and kindness. The kids will learn to be there for one
another instead of competing for their parent’s approval.
together- the parents need to remove the privilege of playing together
because of fighting and competing. This will let them have a bored day and they
will see the needs for having another children playing with them and
appreciating for one siblings.
behavior-the parents plan the party for another children with others it
will teach them to be cooperative planning and they will feel closer. The
friendship between them will grow and unity too. It will be supported by giving
free gifts, surprises and parties will unite them as brothers and sisters and
argument will diminish.
take side-when your children fights ignore them by keeping yourself busy
and give them a chance to solve their problem. This will help your to remove
payoff they get from your attention. If they failed to reach a solution you can
intervene and you can do this without taking a side. You can even ask them to
come up with solutions fort their problems.
Spend a
day with them-The parents spend time with the children separately one on
one. This will help them to have quality time and sibling rivalry will drain
out of their bodies.