Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Say no to sexual harassment against-Women

Sexual harassment is such unwelcome sexually determined behavior such as physical contact and sexual advances, sexual color remarks, showing pornography and sexual demands it can either be by words or actions. The conduct maybe humiliating and constitute a health and safety problems. The other supporting view defines sexual harassment as bullying of a sexual nature, the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.Harassment is not have to be of sexual nature, but it can include sexual remarks about person sex.The good example it is illegal to harass a woman by passing offensive remarks about women in general.

Causes of sexual harassment.

  • ·         Violence and male Self-perception- The problem of sexual harassment it relates to the roles given to women and man in social and economic life and in turn it directly or indirectly affects women’s positions in the labor market;
  • ·         Discrimination as a Form of workplace Control- if sex forces women into lower paying jobs, sexual harassment helps to keep them there and women are employed in fields that were traditionally considered” women’s work” namely waitresses and secretaries. Women often are given humiliating names and to lead they believe that male and sexism is normal.
  • ·         The Economics of Women’s Work-the man will rely on sexual harassment as a way for the men who harass women to express their resentment and try reasserting control when they vie women as their economic competitors.

Prevention strategies for sexual harassment

  • ·         Adopt a clear sexual harassment policy-the company should have Sexual Harassment a policy devoted to sexual harassment. In that policy state that the company in no certain terms will tolerate sexual harassment,
  • ·          A Train supervisors and managers- the company should at least once a year conduct training sessions for supervisors and managers separate from the employee sessions. To educate the managers and supervisors about sexual harassment and how to deal with complaints.
  • ·         Train employee-the company should at least once a year conducting training sessions for employees.It should explain that employees have a right to a workforce free of sexual harassment. The policies need to reviewed complaint procedure and encourage employee to utilize it.
  • ·         Show you mean it- the policy should apply to everyone including managers and supervisors.
  • ·         Investigate and deal with all complaints of harassment.
  • ·         Take actions to eliminate discriminatory posters, jokes, emails and photos at the work.

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